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180 Health & Fitness believe in educating our clients and members in understanding the difference in the food we enjoy and the food we need to ensure a healthy body and mind, which in-turn gives us a much better performance. There are a certain amount of calculated vitamins, minerals and macronutrients we need for our bodies to function at its optimal peak and this is exactly what we calculate for you within our plans.

Most modern mass produced food does not equate to a correctly balanced meal despite recommendations and guidelines that we are told to follow these days. Food was never so complicated when it was fresh, clean, wholesome food. There are only a small number of the nation that understand food correctly, most going off what we hear in media or are told by what appear to be advising professionals. This is where and why we step in.... To educate the nation correctly. Obesity is at an all time high, we stand scratching our heads wondering ' why am I over weight or out of shape '. WE HAVE YOUR ANSWER !!!

Our nutrition plans come with all you need, with many options available for all types of goals. We educate in what's needed, how we use it and if followed and applied as directed you will not only loose weight and body fat but you will keep it off.... We won't leave you in the deep end wondering if the food advice given is good, bad or sinful like other companies then once you stop there diet you pile it all back on. Our plans are designed to alter your approach toward food for life. Contact us for more information on our nutrition service.

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